GC Mabuhay Gabriela DM

GC Mabuhay Gabriela, DM
Sire : GC RW Lutece Ellington of Mabuhay
Dam : Backcountry Fluorescence, DM
Breeder / Owner: Carla Bizzell

GC Mabuhay Gabriela, DM, earned the title of Distinguished Merit during the 2019-2020 season.

To earn the Distinguished Merit title in CFA, a female must have at least 5 offspring that earn the title of Grand Champion, Grand Premier, or Distinguished Merit.

Gabriela’s qualifying offspring include

  • GC Mabuhay Illusion
  • GC RW Mabuhay Jujube
  • GC Mabuhay Jackpot of Les Plushes
  • GC Mabuhay Laurent of Jewllz
  • GP Mabuhay Lucky
  • GC Mabuhay Notte

Congratulations to Gabriela and to her breeder/owner Carla Bizzell!

GP Mabuhay Lucky
GC Mabuhay Illusion
GC RW Mabuhay Jujube
GC Mabuhay Laurent of Jewllz
GC Mabuhay Jackpot of Les Plushes
GC Mabuhay Notte